I was thirteen. I had a dream. That’s how it began.
When watching the second The Chronicles of Narnia movie; Price Caspian, I fell in love with one of Susan’s many gowns. I don’t know why, but the gown that started my dream had a screen time of about 10 seconds.
This wasn’t only the beginning of a dream, it also exposed my crazy side!With about 10 second of screen time, one photo, and a couple screenshots, I started off on my first sewing journey. One thing you’ll notice, the fabric I used doesn’t match the original. I was thirteen, I had a budget…a very small one.
This would become the first of many costume replicas as well as my very first dress. Having never undertaken any type of dress before, my mom was encouraging but also hesitant. I don’t blame her. Actually, if I had a daughter attempting something like this, I would be 100x more hesitant! 🙂
There is one thing that must be understood about my family, especially regarding my mom; there’s a constant encouragement to find your niche. To try and try again. Seek your voice. To keep moving towards a goal, even if the goal changes. But in all this, to be smart with what you reach for. And be responsible! Now I’m not saying I had all this figured out when I first started on my journey. Ha, I was more on the reverse. I would learn so much as my sewing dreams increased. And I will continue to learn. There were tears shed as I struggled to get dresses shipped on time, all while juggling my schooling and LIFE. But the foundation was there, and it’s still there.
On a side-note (of a side-note), don’t let your sewing steal you life, your sleep, your joy… just DON’T DO IT! Yes, you will have down times, and you’ll push through them. Yes, there will be times you need to stay up late finishing an order. Yes, there will be stressful times. But don’t think that in order to achieve, you have to sew continually, have no life, and never sleep…that’s NOT living your dream!
Alright, off my soap box!
Here’s a couple progress photos of my first ever costume:

The Completed Dress:
Photo’s taken by my wonderful sister; Smile for Sophie Photography

Ever since this project, my imagination has taken flight.
Has it been worth the trouble?
Yes. One hundred percent. No doubt about it.
I LOVE what I do and I DO what I love!
I love the memes – they are truly universal if you want to be happy.
You seem to have started off at expert level with a little help and the project looks fantastic. I have some red wool for a cotehardie and it is good inspiration.
Without any help it is possible to start at intermediate level if the beginner stuff looks too boring. Youtube these days is fab for tutorials when you get stuck, and then you can move onto the expert stuff for the second project. Just takes a little longer to make things that way, but the learning is brilliant.